DAY 2-4: brows will appear very dark as the ink oxidizes and may appear uneven. Brows will soften to 40% of the colour once healed
DAY 5-7: scabs are formed and brows will be itchy. they will start peeling (which may appear patchy)
DAY 8-13: all scabs will fall off and brows may appear to be very light/invisible - DO NOT PANIC; this is normal and can be expected during healing process - the pigment will darken over a few days
DAY 14-30: brow pigments will slowly reappear to the surface of the skin (this is dependent on your skin regeneration cycle)
DAY 40: you will see the final pigment result!

*Some residual swelling is normal for all procedures. the area may appear uneven,dry, itchy, tender, and irritated. This is 100% normal. These symptoms may occur for the first few days as reactions vary by person. There is no control over your body's healing process and reaction to the pigments. You may need to powder/pencil in brows after the healed results. This is an enhancement to your natural brows, not permanent*


In order for your new brows to heal properly (and look their best) these Post-Care Instructions found below are of the UTMOST IMPORTANCE!

  • no tanning for at least 30 days (avoid direct sun exposure and tanning beds)

  • avoid pool/sauna/steam rooms, hot showers/baths for at least 10 days (keep them dry as possible; 'dry-heal' gives better results)

  • splash of water on your eyebrows are fine, but prolonged exposure to water or having moist brows is not allowed! Pat dry when coming out of the shower

  • avoid sleeping on your face/brows for the first 10 days

  • avoid going to the gym/engaging in activities where you will sweat until you have completely healed (scabbed has fallen off)

  • no moisturizer or makeup on the brow area during the healing process

  • no itching/picking/scratching the treated area. Let any scabbing or dry skin naturally exfoliate off (picking can cause scarring and pigment loss)

  • avoid Retin-A, Chemical Peels, Laser Treatments, Microdermabrasions, and/or anything to treat hyperpigmentation around the brow area once healed to prevent fading of your brow tattoo.


Overtime, the pigment will lighten and you eyebrows will eventually look softer. To keep the lines “crisp” and the brows “bold/defined”, a touch up appointment is suggested every year - however, this is based on your preference as to when you would like to ‘boost’ the colour of your eyebrows (ie., if you prefer really dark,bold, defined brows, you may opt to do your touch up earlier than 12 months). Results vary with each client. If you are planning a chemical peel, laser treatment, or other medical procedures, please inform the technician that you have had a cosmetic tattoo.


Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns during your recovery.